Mug de Viaje Caffa
Colección Caffa
Caffa es una jarra térmica que mantiene perfectamente la temperatura de la bebida, caliente o fría, permitiendo degustarla en la oficina o paseando por la ciudad.
Cantimplora de viaje «Caffa» diseñado por Giulio Iacchetti y frabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad 18/10.
- Procedencia / Italia
IVA incluido
Giulio Lacchetti has been involved in industrial design since 1992. He has been awarded several prizes: in 2001 he won, together with Matteo Ragni, il Compasso d'oro with the multipurpose biodegradable cutlery Moscardino; in 2009, the Premio dei Premi awarded by the President of the Italian Republic for his project Design alla Coop. In May 2009 he inaugurated the cycle of exhibitions dedicated to young designers at the Milan Triennale, with a solo exhibition entitled Giulio Iacchetti. Oggetti disobbedienti.